Tsolum River Recovery Plan
The Tsolum River Recovery Plan is a ‘living document’ and a tool developed to aid in the recovery of aquatic habitats. The Recovery Plan integrates several assessment reports that have been undertaken in the Tsolum River watershed and identifies a set of priorities that are intended to achieve the recovery goals for the watershed and its fish stocks.
The TRRP focuses on the impacts on the freshwater ecosystem, looking at upslope activities, riparian area health, and stream processes such as bed load movement and river flows. The Recovery Plan is accompanied by the Tsolum River Recovery Plan Summary, the TRRP Table Supplement, and a supporting TRRP Interactive Map (viewable below).
The TRRP focuses on the impacts on the freshwater ecosystem, looking at upslope activities, riparian area health, and stream processes such as bed load movement and river flows. The Recovery Plan is accompanied by the Tsolum River Recovery Plan Summary, the TRRP Table Supplement, and a supporting TRRP Interactive Map (viewable below).
Tsolum River Recovery Plan Priority Projects map displaying recommended projects outlined in the Tsolum River Recovery Plan. For more information, please open the link above. To expand, click the right corner.
Tsolum River Watershed Assessment Studies
The TRRP is based on fieldwork and reports from the following assessments commissioned by the Tsolum River Restoration Society:
- The Tsolum River Habitat Status Report (Remillard & Clough, 2015
- Tsolum Watershed Habitat Restoration Planning (Clough, 2015)
- Tsolum River Watershed Fish Habitat Assessment Report (Clough, 2014)
- Channel Morphology and Bedload Assessment (Gooding, 2015)
- Tsolum River Overview Assessment (Gooding, 2013)
- Tsolum River Biophysical Assessment Hydrology and Channel Assessment (Gooding, 2010)
- Tsolum River Limiting Factors to Pink Salmon Production (Campbell, 2010)
Habitat Assessment Survey Reaches. For more information about each of the reaches, please open the FHAP report link above (under Tsolum River Watershed Assessment Studies).